The hand crafted emblem
Emblemagic is for sale!
Sale Pending!!

It is a privately owned, sole proprietorship that has been in
the business of reproducing, restoring and stocking classic and
collectible car emblems for the past 25 yrs. The
business includes the websites, all stock: original plastic
pattern emblems, and the reproductions in stock, made from them,
Original unrestored enameled emblems as well as all restored
ones, tooling, all molds, and
equipment, plus office software and records. There are written illustrated guides for
reproduction and restoration training purposes. If you are
interested, use the
contact us link.
Don't forget to visit our blog!
Click here to check out the blog!
Many of our customers have discovered that we have been in the lead, if
not the sole player, in the business of constructing hand crafted
reproduction car emblems. We have been developing this process
since 1989. We have
upgraded and improved our processes in many ways since the early days, so
that producing a single emblem takes more time than it did then.
For the past several years we have been falling further and
further behind, causing our backlog to grow beyond a year. Because of this,
we have been concentrating our efforts on fulfilling orders as fast as
The best emblems are factory made. They are made with better
plastics and have better aging characteristics.
We are also remanufacturing a select few emblems on our price list using
factory methods. It is much more expensive for us, and a certain level of
demand is required, but the result is a much cheaper emblem unit price for
you with higher quality. Ask about our short
production run emblems!
people are shocked with our long turn around
time on emblems that are not in stock. That is very understandable and we
truly apologize. There are a couple of reasons for this situation.
First of all, it does take a long time to make an emblem from scratch by
hand. There is a certain amount of cure time that need to be observed,
and hand painting, that can be very painstaking and tedious. Additionally,
the emblems require a vacuum metalizing process which is not done on the
premises, but must be shipped to another factory. So even in a
situation where only one emblem was on our schedule, the turn around time
would probably be nearly a month.
Secondly, In order to operate more efficiently, we group all of the
plastic emblem jobs onto a schedule. In the beginning our schedules
would have just a handful of emblems that we would turn around in about a
month's time. But we also handle the cloisonné or enamel emblems
too. They are on a schedule as well. This schedule is alternated
with the plastic emblem schedule. This in effect doubles the amount of
time that one must wait if their emblem will be on the next schedule.

The longer customers have to wait for an order
to be turned around, the more additional customers have to be scheduled on
the next schedule. The larger that schedule grows,
the longer it takes to complete.
At this point the schedules have stabilized. We know that we need to
improve our turn around time, and we are working toward that end.